A downloadable game

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[Created For Natalie (Big Stuffed Cat)'s "Cure Light Wounds" GameJam]

This is a short game designed to played during a DnD 5e session, specifically whenever someone uses the spell "Cure Light Wounds".

In the basic game, healing is one-sided, mindless and disconnected from the player. The healer can heal without worry and without consulting the person they are healing. 

The healer doesn't need to understand their patient or their wounds because healing is "one size fits all". It does not matter if the damage is burns, scratches or mental trauma, the result is always the same.

On top of this, the basic spell treats healing as an isolated event. It happens and then is immediately forgotten about, allowing someone to be pulled from near death over and over again without issue. 

This means that healers can repeatedly cure light wounds and force their patients through inhumane and dangerous situations without needing to consider their patient's long term health and stability or if there is a better way to handle the situation. 

This add on aims to change this by adding risks to the healing process and by forcing the player to take an active role in the outcome. 

The risks force the healer to communicate with their patent and to listen to their needs, meaning that teamwork and understanding will lead to better outcomes for both parties. 

Additionally, characters show the marks of healing. Every attempt at curing light wounds becomes harder, forcing the healer to consider if pushing their patient through the current situation is truly the best thing for their long term health and happiness or if they should explore alternative options that may better suit their patient's needs.

The Healer has a box of adhesive bandages and whenever they want to use "Cure Light Wounds" they have to close their eyes and attempt to stick the bandage to the sheet of the person they want to heal, letting their patient advise and guide them.

However, if the healer accidentally covers part of the patient's character sheet, the player will be unable to use that part of the sheet until the healer uses a long rest to remove their failed attempts. 


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(Try To) Cure Light Wounds.pdf 7.5 MB