A downloadable game

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The Infinite Forest is a place quite unlike any other location. Only accessible by a magical portal, this place seems to be constantly shifting and changing. Even the location's accepted name, The Infinite Forest, is a misnomer, only given to the area because the first researcher to step through the portal landed in a dense forest.

However, the Infinite Forest has everything from snow-capped mountains to dank marshlands. 

Perhaps the most fascinating thing about The Infinite Forest is the range of creatures that live within it. These fascinating creatures are not like anything ever seen before, each one totally redefining many natural sciences. 

Now, the Society Of New Animal Research is sending more people into The Infinite Forest with one goal: to research as many animals as they can and explore as much of the area as possible.

You have been selected as one of these people. With just your trusty journal, you step through the portal, not knowing what you'll find on the other side.

Into The Infinite Forest is a solo-worldbuilding ttrpg about exploring a new world and studying its creatures. As you play the game, you'll create a world and think about the various animals inhabiting it. 

Using a deck of cards and some coins, you'll build an entire world filled with a whole menagerie of creatures from birds to reptiles, massive carnivores, to tiny insects. If you can imagine it, it can take form in your world. 

This game is perfect for people looking for a relaxed solo experience or GMs who want to build a world they can use in other games. All you have to bring is your imagination and a desire to explore a whole new world of creatures. 

To play you will need: 

  • Journaling Equipment
  • 5 Coins 
  • Deck Of Cards

You may supply your own journal, or use the editable "Journal Template" provided with the game. 


Buy Now$7.00 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $7 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Into The Infinite Forest.pdf 5.3 MB
Into The Infinite Forest - Journal Template.odt 18 kB

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